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City Council Meeting 10/04/2007
City Council Meeting #41
Thursday October 4, 2007
Work Session

Roll Call – Councilors McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.  Councilor Graney absent.
Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; City Clerk Debra McCormick; Michael Hammon, Fire Chief; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent; Assistant Fire Chief Mark Farrell.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.

Presentations and Proclamations – The City Clerk read a proclamation honoring “The Vanguards’ Auburn High School’s Marching Band.  The band competes through out Central New York and recently hosted the 27th Annual Harvest of Sound Field Band Competition.  Band members Marissa Leone, Bryann Dusharm, Jordan Hirsch, Erin O’Connor Slater and Sabrina Poresky represented the band and accepted the proclamation from Mayor Lattimore.

Public Announcements - The Clerk read

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – None.

Ordinances - None
Local Laws ~~- None

Work Session

Michael Talbot, Landfill Update
City Manager Mark Palesh introduced Mike Talbot, Landfill Supervisor.  Mr. Talbot discussed various issues and “what if ”scenarios brought up by Councilor Smith.  They discussed filling the landfill to capacity too soon and the revenue risks if that were to occur.  

Mayor Lattimore inquired about the current budget projections regarding the landfill revenue.  Mr. Palesh responded suggesting that the first quarter is too soon to make any predictions.  

Mayor Lattimore asked about the flyers that were sent to homeowners regarding landfill rules and fees.  Mr. Talbot explained that the landfill reduced hours on Saturday to save on expenses.  Shorter hours have not reduced revenue and Saturday business is steady.  Mike reported that the landfill is open 7am to 11:30AM.  

Councilor Smith asked about privatizing the landfill.  Mr. Palesh responded that RFPs have been sent out to explore that option.  A consultant has reviewed them for compliance.  Councilor Smith asked for Mr. Talbot and Mr. Gabak’s input on the idea of privatizing the landfill.  Mr. Talbot indicated he was in favor of looking into it.  He stated that the landfill generates 4 million dollars in fees with only 6 people working there.  Mr. Gabak responded as a union representative that he would not be in favor of it.  The condition of equipment, amount of staff were also brought up.

Dave Aitken, Destiny USA – Mayor Lattimore reported that Mr.Aitken was unable
to attend tonight.

Other Business

Mr. Palesh reported that the City is sending several employees to supervisory training. It begins next week at Cayuga Community College.  

Mr. Palesh reported that the purchase of the second Fire Pumper Truck is on hold. The Fire Department overtime savings is not what was expected, which is what the purchase was planned to be funded with.  He reported that significant fires were a part of the reason for overtime.

Mr. Palesh also reported that due to his absence from last weeks Council meeting he viewed the video and was disappointed in what he saw.  He read a prepared statement detailing his thoughts and asked that it be included in the record of the meeting.  

Mayor Lattimore asked about the new rules for water and sewer billing.  Mr. Palesh explained the process is designed to get money owed to the city for theses services.  The comptroller’s office is looking into options to give temporary relief on a case-by-case basis.

Mayor Lattimore asked about meeting with Civil Service regarding lateral transfers to fill vacancies in the Fire Department.   Mr. Palesh responded and explained what transpired at the Civil Service Commission meeting held earlier in the day.  The commission denied the request for lateral transfers.
Recap – none.

Adjournment ~- Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.